ANNOUNCEMENT (12/24/23 10:28AM)

ATTN: @everyone


As the snowflakes gently fall and the festive lights twinkle, we extend our warmest wishes to each member of the Pro Deo MC family. May this season be filled with joy, laughter, and the spirit of giving.

In the spirit of unity and camaraderie that defines *Pro Deo MC*, let’s celebrate the bonds we’ve built and the adventures we’ve shared throughout the year. May your holidays be adorned with the magic of friendship and the thrill of new adventures waiting just around the corner.

As we gather around virtual fires and share tales of our conquests in the gaming world, let’s also take a moment to appreciate the real-world connections we’ve forged within this incredible community. Your passion, dedication, and friendship have made *Pro Deo MC* a truly special place.

May the coming year bring even more exciting challenges, victories, and moments of shared triumph. Together, let’s continue to build a legacy that echoes through the virtual landscapes we explore.

Wishing you all a Christmas filled with warmth, love, and the joy of shared adventures. Here’s to a fantastic holiday season and a New Year brimming with endless possibilities!

Merry Christmas once again, *Pro Deo MC*!

Warmest regards,

(a.k.a. *H. E. Archbishop Philoxenos Benedictus*)
Founder and owner, *Pro Deo MC*