ANNOUNCEMENT (12/31/23 10:16AM)

ATTN: @everyone


As we stand on the brink of a brand new year, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey we’ve shared as a community.

First and foremost, I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you. Together, we’ve conquered towering mountains, delved into the deepest caves, and built magnificent structures that defy the laws of both physics and imagination. Our adventures have been nothing short of epic, and it’s all thanks to the amazing individuals that make up this incredible *Pro Deo MC* family.

As we bid farewell to the past year and eagerly embrace the new one, let’s carry the lessons we’ve learned, the friendships we’ve forged, and the memories we’ve created. The beauty of *Pro Deo MC* lies not only in its blocks and pixels but in the bonds we’ve built and the stories we’ve written together.

Let the coming year be filled with even more daring quests, creative builds that leave us in awe, and above all, the laughter and camaraderie that make *Pro Deo MC* feel like home. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer just finding your way around, remember that each one of you contributes to the magic that is our community.

May this New Year bring you endless diamonds, enchanted gear, and all the joy that *Pro Deo MC* has to offer. Let’s continue crafting our adventures, one block at a time, and make 2024 the most legendary year in *Pro Deo MC* history!

Warmest regards,

(a.k.a. *H. E. Archbishop Philoxenos Benedictus*)
Founder and owner, *Pro Deo MC*